Google Ads Management

We help you to take advantage of Google Ads. Whether your goal is to increase awareness, impact consideration or drive action, our certified Google Ads experts create and optimise campaigns to achieve your goals.

Reach a wide audience

Google Ads gives the opportunity to reach millions of people and pay only when a person clicks on your ad, making it cost-effective and profitable for your business.

Advanced targeting

After identifying your ideal customer, we target the ads for people who are interested in your products or services, and show them relevant ads.

Measuring success

Properly set up tracking is as important as a well-executed advertising campaign. We ensure consistent tracking and reporting of our pre-agreed KPIs.

High ROI

By monitoring the ads closely, we can focus on the ads that work and invest our time to ensure an increased return on your investment (ROI).

A/B testing

We don’t rely on luck or opinions to determine what works the best. We perform split A/B testing to identify which advertisements are the most effective.


We will keep the most interested customers in the loop and nurture them with continuous personalised advertisements on various digital platforms.

Our areas of expertise

Google Search Ads

YouTube Ads

Google Display Ads

Gmail Ads

Google Shopping Ads

Mobile App Ads

Onboarding process

01 Dive in

We will arrange an exploration call to talk about your brand’s goals and needs. Together we will set goals, choose key-performance-indicators (KPIs) that matter the most to you and prepare the profile of your ideal customer.

02 Keyword research and strategy

After performing  account audits, keyword research and competitor analysis, we will present you with the strategy and suggested budget with the expected results.

03 Google Ads campaign creation

We will design and develop a custom landing page to ensure high conversion rate and relevant landing page experience, prepare advertising messages, visuals and other materials for a smooth execution.

04 Ongoing Google Ads management

After the campaign has been set up, we will monitor the performance of your campaigns, optimise it weekly to achieve the set goals and constantly monitor industry trends to find new keyword opportunities.

05 Analyse & report

We will report on a weekly or monthly basis about the results and progress of the Google Ads campaign and we’ll advise you about the future steps and strategy.

Frequently asked questions

What companies do you work with?

We serve a wide range of customers, from B2B to B2C companies across various industries. Based on your industry, we will fine-tune our services to meet your needs.

How much do your services cost?

The cost of our services depends on your industry, goals, Google Ads strategy and advertising budget. We aim to offer you a fair and affordable price.

How quickly can we expect to see results?

Most of our clients see results within a few months, but this can vary. It all depends on the complexity of the product or service and the digital strategy.

How often will we hear about the progress?

We provide you with a weekly update and a monthly written report on the progress made. Also, if you have any questions, you may contact us at any time via email or phone.

How can we get started?

Great, we are thrilled that you are interested in working with us!

Please send us an email at [email protected], call us on +357 97781110 or contact us via our contact form for an exploration call and we’ll take it from there.

Brands we've worked with

contentworks logo

Book a free online consultation

Feel free to reach out and we’ll get back to you within a business day.

Maarja Närska

Maarja Närska boldive